The Prophetic Backbone
Technology, Future and Eternity
easy download from the Kindle Store, an important read.
In Year 2025 technologists and scientists will continue proclaiming our arrival to the future. Mainly for competitive marketing, they move at the speed of progressive scientific knowledge and therefore often predict human behaviors we'll take on in the future. The predictive state is actually ideological for technologists, proclaiming re-socialization and human re-engineering - long before AI became hot.
Digital technologists shadow human sciences like genetics and neuropsychology. None of the top tech firms are historically health science firms. They have roots vested in artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT - among other digital, artful innovations. But things are changing: their research branches are claiming inroads to health sciences - suddenly, human biological data like DNA *(see note below) is a mandate for more innovation in non-healthcare realms. The prophets tell us they can save our species and planet.
Rich and unrestrained technologists seek more data about you and me; biological data from health and employment records, EHR's, digital implants, facial recognition tools, wearable tech and bio-volunteerism. The corrupted delivery mechanism is the internet. The prophets of technology know it's untrustworthy - it can't last. Their solution is a backbone network with no public access, controlled by a few corporations and fully managed via artificial intelligence. Their common ideology:
[ if we can change humans, we should change humans, we will change humans ]
The Prophetic Backbone challenges the wisdom behind modern prophesies and offers the timeless truth about the human race found in Biblical reality.
[ technologists will proclaim the future but no further. eternity is already proclaimed ]
Technology, Future and Eternity
easy download from the Kindle Store, an important read.
In Year 2025 technologists and scientists will continue proclaiming our arrival to the future. Mainly for competitive marketing, they move at the speed of progressive scientific knowledge and therefore often predict human behaviors we'll take on in the future. The predictive state is actually ideological for technologists, proclaiming re-socialization and human re-engineering - long before AI became hot.
Digital technologists shadow human sciences like genetics and neuropsychology. None of the top tech firms are historically health science firms. They have roots vested in artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT - among other digital, artful innovations. But things are changing: their research branches are claiming inroads to health sciences - suddenly, human biological data like DNA *(see note below) is a mandate for more innovation in non-healthcare realms. The prophets tell us they can save our species and planet.
Rich and unrestrained technologists seek more data about you and me; biological data from health and employment records, EHR's, digital implants, facial recognition tools, wearable tech and bio-volunteerism. The corrupted delivery mechanism is the internet. The prophets of technology know it's untrustworthy - it can't last. Their solution is a backbone network with no public access, controlled by a few corporations and fully managed via artificial intelligence. Their common ideology:
[ if we can change humans, we should change humans, we will change humans ]
The Prophetic Backbone challenges the wisdom behind modern prophesies and offers the timeless truth about the human race found in Biblical reality.
[ technologists will proclaim the future but no further. eternity is already proclaimed ]