He's set in his ways - most of his aches and pains need a few aspirin and not his ancestral DNA.
He's set in his ways - he buys good old dog food for Spike and the word "science" means nothing on the bag.
He's set in his ways - a stamp on an envelope and a paper letter to his mother; no texting a loved one.
He's set in his ways - he wants the score, know who is at bat and on deck. He doesn't need 20 stats from analytics about each player.
He's set in his ways - He sees what he's always seen - a man or a woman, nothing in-between.
He's set in his ways - his home appliances have knobs and no digital overload of information about his laundry or frozen meatballs in the frig.
He's set in his ways - He fought in a foreign land for his country and for American values long before the borders came to mean nothing.
He's set in his ways - one day he'll leave behind photo albums of his life with families. They'll look in iCloud and he won't be there.
I love AM radio. Very set in my ways.