The first real Consciousness Translation Network (CTN)
The beginning stages already are in progress. Consciousness Translation Networks will be socialized only by artificial intelligent systems across global data centers stacked with learning databases. By socialized I mean us – without actually us – for the sole purpose of amassing predictive data from actual human behaviors and resulting consequences. In other words, your online experiences grouped with other societal actions formulate a predictive model on YOU. You are virtual; not communicating with friends and followers as a logged-on, password enabled network participant. The Consciousness Translation Network will be a backbone network supporting governments, healthcare, educational, legal and financial systems – all of which amass personal data.
Four pillars of human data – biological, genetic, psychological and neurological - will enable the Consciousness Translation Network. What a paradox that having all human instincts elucidated by Darwinism – behaviors we inherited and behaviors we exhibit due to modern environmental changes - the computer scientists returns to flesh and blood for their solutions modeling.
The time will come when technologists, having their assets in bio-networks, begin to disseminate ideological forces so behavioral adaptation according to the output occurs: to act upon precisely what the AI data informs void of human reason. The change agents will be the very entities that provided the data: governments, colleges, institutions, health organizations and so on. What few technology prophets predicted in the 1990’s and 2000’s many are now implementing: bio-networks; it relieves humanity of its flawed inherited genetic value while validating, with no scientific proof, a social order according to artificial intelligence. This is the Prophetic Backbone.