If we’re going to talk about the future, then let’s consider that this unspecified flashpoint comes with past inputs known as values. Values are embedded in our human history and our beliefs framed in many institutions, faiths, constitutions and laws. On another level, values validate our individualism. With the internet’s global reach and enablement of individualism, so has exploded the output of individuals’ values. Without requiring a deep dive into how internet-of-things propagate personal data, how health monitoring systems track or how AI is evolving or even concerning patents for gene editing tools; it is about you and I thinking of things we haven’t given much attention to until recently. Normal human behaviors, the way we receive and subsequently act on information acquired throughout our lives remains the same as far as the brain is concerned. In simplest terms, we identify actions good or bad without a whole lot of thought because our values have already shaped our perceptions. However, we’ve never in all humanity absolutely scientifically de-coded ourselves at the nuclear level (DNA) to enable re-coding, to make human structure the future IT infrastructure. From Aristotle to Einstein to Steve Jobs – digital technologists having adopted behavioral theories from three sciences: psychology, neurology and genetics - are frantically obsessing about controlling the digital future. What has changed? The problems, according to the prophets is the human who has ultimately created all the problems in the world. Humans are a source code just as any computer system has a source code; ours being DNA. They are focusing on an individual's biological environment over his external environment. The tech prophets are simply striving for genetic data. They believe both values and behavioral changes re-coded will quickly usher in their ideological vision of a structured future. Resembling aspirations of many past ideologists: to begin a change in the world you must change behaviors. Today, they have begun the collection of individual human biological data and blend it with business data so that neither type is distinguishable.