You arrive to the office and things begin. You need AI to help support your thoughts; there’s a potential career-changing decision to be made while people in the room await a debate around your logic-of-things. You quickly run down to the data center, pull up a keyboard, put in your desired variables and hit, enter. The AI software generates a few predictive solutions you then share with everyone. The AI predicted what your thoughts couldn’t gather because of life’s severe distractions-people, climate change, news, D.C. politics, social media posts, etc., etc. Suddenly a team member blurts out exactly the response you predicted -
“Let’s try to get more data. Disruption is key. We may have more bias but we’ll gain a bigger market.”
You try to gather your thoughts which are now questioning the AI. Hurriedly, you excuse yourself, run down to the data center and send out a query to the cloud. The AI software responds and you rush back to your team, all of whom are on their phones typing tweets, silently lulled into a non-thinking state. One person looks up and blurts, “Great intelligence, let’s get it over to our Organizational Psychologist and get some quantitative metrics before elaborating any cultural signals to upper management.”
“An appropriate pivot” says another.
Riding home you listened to a Fresh Air interview with author Bill McKibbon on his new book, ”Falter.” “OMG” you think to yourself; “Can our product upgrade reduce the human carbon cycle?” Gather your thoughts. What cultural signals are we talking about?
author: The Prophetic Backbone. Technologists Are Proclaiming the Future. Eternity is Proclaimed