Business platforms of the enterprise kind evolve, change, expand, merge and adapt. All this leads to systems integration too often and IT laborers from all around the globe cycling in and out the door. The bottom line is that enterprise integration projects cost millions per year as do security, managing service level agreements, mitigating states of non-maintenance and “what-if” scenarios when predicting cyber criminals’ attacks. Endless complexity needs a new model, a simplified IT model and what better system of miraculous functionality to call upon than the brain. We have a lot of solving of global problems to move ahead on; almost all are man-made. It is clearly understood that most outspoken and progressive technologists agree that complexity should and can be reduced because humans have gone as far as possible. As with systems simplification, so goes the employee: out the door. Say the word “robot” in the media and one instantly thinks “job loss” whether true or false. I agree that the actual functioning brain could be a substantial model for IT networks and many firms like Numenta work entirely in that model. On the other hand there are firms and universities that want to augment, insert or approach the brain as the last hope to reshape intelligent IT management because the increase of data is getting way out of control. They too believe that people-labor can and should be eliminated. I do not believe in the second nature of progress, which is to reverse engineer the human nervous system in order to define a new IT model that runs humans instead of humans running the systems.
RPW 2017
The Prophetic Backbone, est publication mid-2017